Join us @ VMRB

Full Member

You don’t need to be an Active Crew Member to enjoy our facilities. Our members have access, from our Operations Base, to local fishing areas which are recognised as being some of the best in the world. Whether you want access to a secure carpark when you are out fishing or prefer to use a less busy and more private ramp then this membership is for you.

Full Members also have the opportunity to hire out a hall at a discounted rate, can store your vessel in our hardstand area if there is a vacant lot or simply want to use our BBQ facilities with your friends overlooking Cabbage Tree Creek.

Full Member (pro-rata)

Joining Fee of $10 and $188 annual membership

This membership allows key access to our squadrons facilities including use of secure carpark, boat ramp, BBQ, discounted hall and hardstand rates.

MonthCostJoining Fee

Concessional Full Members (pro-rata)

Joining Fee of $10 and $94 annual membership

This membership receives the same entitlements as a Full Member but receive a concession on their membership where the member can display their government issued Pensioner Concession Card or who reside permanently more than 50 kilometres from our Operations Centre (Country Member).

Full Members membership is pro-rata basis. Concessional rate is half the cost of the full fee.

Active Crew

As a volunteer marine rescue organisation we provide a “first response” emergency service 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The primary purpose of our organisation is to save the lives of people in distress in Moreton Bay and surrounding areas and this service is provided by our Duty Crews. Our Duty Crews attend our Operations Centre to maintain a vessel monitoring service and provide assistance as required every weekend and public holidays from 0600 hrs until 1700 hrs.  After hours calls are attended to by our Emergency Standby crew. We work closely with other emergency services organisations including Water Police, Ambulance and SES. 

Typically each Duty Crew is rostered on for one day in every four to five weeks. New Duty Crew members must complete basic training (ESS) within six months of joining. This training includes both theory and practical learning and assessment. Fortunately, for people on the water, we are not in full-on rescue mode too often so on our Crew Day, our crews undertake practical training such as tow-jobs, navigation exercises and emergency procedures such as fire on board the vessel, man-overboard and grounding for readiness for the various search and rescue scenarios that we may encounter.

VMR Brisbane is predominately a self-funded organisation. We receive financial support from the State Government to cover some operational costs and capital expenditure. This financial support, although greatly appreciated, represents only a fraction of the capital requirements and operational costs required for the effective running of our Squadron. We attempt to address the funding gap through prudent financial management, membership fees, fund raising, grants and sponsorships.

If you are willing to donate your time to provide a valuable community service, joining one of our Duty Crews may be for you. Once your application has been received, it will be presented at the next monthly Management Meeting (held the fourth Tuesday of each month) for approval.

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